Monday, August 23, 2010

More arrests in Iran

Political Prisoner Watch - Ali Jamali and Hassan Asadi-Zaidabadi, two senior members of the student alumni organisation Advar Tahkim Vahdat, were arrested this afternoon.

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran details the campaign against student activist Abed Tavancheh, which includes not only arrest and a one-year prison sentence but also confiscation of the family home.
Rassoul Badaghi, a member of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Teachers’ Association and of the Unity Council for Democracy and Human Rights in Iran, has been sentenced to six years in prison and a five-year ban on partisan activities.
The wife of labour activist Mansour Osanloo has confirmed that he has received an additional one-year sentence for “propagating against the regime”, added to his earlier five-year sentence. Osanloo has been in detention since July 2007.

An Iranian website has published the statement of the Mothers of Mourning, who have restated their opposition to the post-election injustices, abuses, and killings and have renamed themselves the Mothers of Laleh Park.
The mothers, many of whom have had children who were imprisoned or slain during the conflict, began gathering last summer in Tehran’s Laleh Park every Saturday, despite pressure from security forces and occasional detentions.

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